Color Changing Snoopy Nail Art and Video Tutorial - Born Pretty Store Review
Hey everyone! I hope all is well! Today I am sharing with you a fun design I did using stamping plates from Born Pretty Store! I'm sure most of us have a favorite childhood cartoon and/or favorite childhood toy that brings us warm childhood memories when we think about it. Well for me, that's Snoopy!!! I always loved Snoopy and when I was little I had a stuffed Snoopy dog that I would carry around everywhere, lol. I actually still have him to this day although he's all beat up now but I can't bring myself to ever throw him away, he's very sentimental to me. So that being said, I had to do some Snoopy nails! I got this Snoopy stamping plate from Born Pretty Store along with the other plate I used for this design, which happens to be a Winnie the Pooh plate (another one of my childhood faves). I have tried several BPS octagon stamping plates & they all stamp very well & they are very inexpensive, plus free shipping worldwide! I suggest checking out Born Pretty Store if you are looking for inexpensive nail art supplies, they sell lots of other stuff aswell! The direct link to the plate I used is below! ...I wanted this design to be really fun so I used Del Sol color changing nail polish for this design. I also have an alternate version to this design to which I changed the middle finger nails, wasn't sure which version I liked better so I just decided to include both of them in my blog post & video tutorial! Let me know in the comments which version you prefer! And check out the video tutorial below and please like, share & subscribe to my youtube channel if you haven't already, it really helps me out! Thanks & God bless! : )
Get 10% off your Born Pretty Store order (excludes sale items) with coupon code: TJL91
Snoopy Stamping Plate RuiZ02 (at the time of this post is only $1.59):
Get 10% off your Born Pretty Store order (excludes sale items) with coupon code: TJL91
Snoopy Stamping Plate RuiZ02 (at the time of this post is only $1.59):
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RuiZ02 & QA3 - NYC French White Tip, Del Sol Foxy, Color Club Harp On It, Konad White SP & Konad Black SP |
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