Purple Purrfection Nails - Purple Nail Art, Cat Nail Art, Kitty Nail Art, Nail Stamping Designs, Nail Stamping Ideas, Konad Nail Art, Konad Nails, Konad Nail Stamping, Girly Nail Art, Fun Nail Art, Nail Art for Cat Lovers, Flower Nail Art, Zoya Nail Art, Pretty Nail Art, Nail Art for Kids, Easy Nail Art

Hey guys! This is a design I pulled from my archives, I call it Purple Purrfection because of the kitty featured on my ring finger! This is a rather simple design to do featuring multiple konad plates. First I painted on my purple base color, then I stamped a full nail pattern from Konad plate M60 on to each nail, applying in a diagonal direction across only half the nail. In the upper corner area where there was no pattern I chose different random images to stamp on to each nail. Then I took my Silver nail art paint & painted a diagonal line right across my nail, dividing the pattern from the images. That really completed the look & added a nice sparkle to it. I also added some white dots with my dotting tool to some of the nails that had smaller images on it to fill up the gaps. Hope you like! : ) M31, M50, M60, M82, M83 - Zoya Charisma, Konad White Special, Kiss Nail Art Paint in Silver Glitter XO...