New 2012 Bundle Monster Plate Set Review and Ombre Gradient Nail Design
Hey guys! So a couple weeks ago I received my prize from the 2012 Bundle Monster Nail Art Contest which was their new 2012 nail stamping plate set, yey! These plates feature brand new designs with a nice mix between full nail, individual & nail tip designs! There are 25 plates in the collection with about 6 designs per plate. At the current time of me writing this, they are being sold on Amazon for $21.99. I am pleased with the quality of the plates which are the same as their 2011 plate set, except this collection came in a little Bundle Monster package. The images are etched properly and so far I have had no troubles with any of the plates I have used. They have a lot of beautiful designs aswell! I was really happy to see that there's an "awareness" ribbon pattern in the set, because I really like doing designs that create awareness for different causes such as Breast Cancer Awareness, Ovarian Cancer Awareness, etc., so that was a nice surprise! I had act...